While ACTC gathers in different places and at different times, and while sometimes we convene professional academics and other times we convene undergraduate students, the basic format of an “ACTC Paper” remains the same: no more than five pages long, with at least twenty percent of that dedicated to serious and substantial engagement with a core text. (We leave it to our authors to define or problematize the definition of “core text” as they see fit, whether or not those considerations are central to the concerns of their papers.) Ultimately, to goal of an ACTC paper is to invite serious conversation. 

Here are some sample ACTC papers to suggest the range of topics that we explore and the format we require.

Where Have We Been and Where are We Going?
Director’s Address:
Stephen Zelnick
Director of ACTC and Temple University’s Intellectual Heritage Program

On Opening and Closing Texts
Plenary Address on theArts and Humanities
Mary Ann Freese Witt
North Carolina State University at Raleigh

Present at the Creation: The Journey to the West as a Core Text
Paula Berggren
Baruch College of CUNY

Science Texts in the Classroom: The Human Odyssey Science-Humanities Sequence at Auburn University
Carol F. Daron
Auburn University

No Effortless Person: Community, Conflict, and theEmergence of Self in the Hebrew Bible
Joseph A. Favazza
Rhodes College

Texts, Society, and Time: Why It Helps to Read Great Books
Constantin Fasolt

The Liberal Arts Tradition, African-American Legacy, and the Introduction of Diversity to Western Traditions
Paul E. Logan
Howard University

Strengthening the Educational Core in Times of Fiscal Restraint
James D. Ryan
Bronx Community College, CUNY

Teaching Homer’s Iliad
David J. Schenker
University of Missouri