Membership and Dues for ACTC
Membership in the Association is of two types, Individual and
Institutional. Both are yearly in term. All membership is open and
voluntary, though ACTC would encourage individuals who have attended
one conference and intend to attend a second, or those who have
benefited from ACTC projects, to consider seriously the Association’s
need for support to sustain its activities. Again, all proceeds
go to the support of core text liberal education around the world.
Individual Membership $ 50.00 US
ACTC is very proud of the increasing membership and support we
have received from individuals dedicated to the ideals of liberal
education espoused by ACTC.
The individual members of ACTC, representing their institutions
of higher learning across North America and around the world, have
determined that Institutional Membership is a contribution that
should aim at the following levels:
Community Colleges $ 350.00 US
Four Year Baccalaureate Colleges $ 750.00
Comprehensive/Masters Institutions $ 1000.00
Universities $ 1500.00
Three-quarters of our Institutional Members contribute at or above
these levels. We are grateful to all institutions for the support
they give to ACTC. A list of Institutional
Members is available on our website and will, also, be provided
upon request by our ACTC Liberal Arts Institute office. We are proud
of the fact that Institutional Membership has increased nearly four-fold
since 1996, the first year of institutional membership, to 54 in
ACTC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit, professional, educational
association. Contributory dues to ACTC are tax deductible. Institutions
seeking further information for contribution purposes are urged
to contact the ACTC Liberal Arts Institute office.
How to Join ACTC
Individuals and Institutions may join at any time, though the annual
conference is an occasion to remind both individuals and institutions
of ACTC’s need for support at the time that conference fees are
A brief letter indicating your name, address, position, contact
numbers (tel., fax, and email address) and your desire to join ACTC
may be sent to:
Rosa Grundig
The ACTC Liberal Arts Institute at
Saint Mary's College of California
1928 Saint Mary's Road
Moraga, CA 94556
Questions? Please call at 925 631 8597.
ACTC acknowledges, with gratitude, all members, individuals and institutions
in its annual newsletter.
Benefits of ACTC Membership
Individual Members are eligible to vote on all matters brought
before the membership, including election of officers, either through
the annual business meeting or through our listserv. Members serve
on committees of governance and in the activities which ACTC promotes;
thus, they shape the substance and outcomes of ACTC.
Committees have included:
The ACTC Advisory Board
A Presidential Search Committee
A Planning Committee for the ACTC Liberal Arts Institute
Contributions – individual and institutional – have supported the following activities:
The Annual Conferences
Editing and Publishing our Annual Selected Proceedings which have represented over 80 different institutions’ core programs over the last five years.
Publication of Institutional Members' student papers in the Agora Journal
(Lynchburg College:
The annual Newsletter
The ACTC Directory
The ACTC Website
The ACTC Listserv
The establishment and operation of the ACTC Liberal Arts Institute
The Institute’s Projects:
“Trends in the Liberal Arts Core” – a research project on the trends and
state of Liberal Education in over 80 colleges and universities in the last 25 years;
“Bridging the Gap Between the Humanities and Sciences” –
an NEH Exemplary Education project designed to bring humanists and scientists together to
build core text, interdisciplinary, humanities and sciences general education courses.
NEH Landmarks of American History Grant: "Wiping Away the Tears: Renewing Cherokee Culture
and American History through the Cherokee Heritage Center and the Trail of Tears"