The Association for Core Texts and Courses

"Supporting Liberal Arts Core Text Curricula Around the World"


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2005 ACTC National Student Conference at Saint Mary's College of California; selected student papers
Sara Babb, Rhodes College:
The Global Community: Protector of Human Rights or Arena of Power Politics?
Andrew Bingham, Simon Fraser University:
'You would speak and hear no reply?': the Antigone and the Tragedy of Philosophy
Jennifer Jamer, Seton Hall University:
The Global Community: Sympathy for the Devil? The Role of Satan In John Milton's Paradise Lost
Noah Kipply-Ogman, Shimer College:
Metaphysical Implications of an Adamantine Elocution or Why Fancy Words Don't Work: Augustine on the Rhetoric of Dewey and Hutchins
Emily Popp, Rhodes College:
Improvising in The Odyssey
Laura Sellers, Rhodes College:
Defense and Provocation in the Athenians' Speeches Before and During the Peloponnesian Wars


ACTC offers student conferences every third year or so. Papers from the last (2005) conference are available on our website (see sidebar link, this page.) Papers from the conference are eligible for the Agora.

ACTC and Lynchburg College Team Up to Offer Publication Opportunities for Students: Lynchburg College Launches Agora as National Student Journal

The Agora, an on-line publication of Lynchburg College, specializing in responses to the great books of the world, has become a national journal of undergraduate academic writing. Aiming to integrate classical ideas and issues with contemporary ones, the Agora takes its title from the marketplace at the heart of classical Athens, where much of Athenian public life was carried on: mercantile exchange, performance, political debate, athletic contests, and the public worship of deities, all took place within the hustle and bustle of the Athenian agora. Similarly, the journal seeks to be a marketplace for important ideas and issues.

The Agora editor invites, exclusively, students from colleges and universities who are institutional members of the Association of Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) to submit their work for consideration. The 2007-08 issue includes papers written by students at Lynchburg College in Lynchburg, VA and at Henry Ford Community College in Detroit, MI. The journal is competitive, with no more than fifteen articles published annually, including one essay in each issue featuring a piece of faculty writing that focuses on pedagogy.

Students submissions must be sponsored by a professor from their ACTC Institutional Member college or university.

More details are available on the Agora website: Submissions are due December 15.

Student Papers from an ACTC Student Conference In the Spring of 2005, the Liberal Arts Institute of the Association for Core Texts and Courses, in cooperation with Saint Mary's College of California and the Student Government Association of Saint Mary's, held its second national student conference. Mary Barnes, Chantall Jenkins, Loni Kirk and John Zabala sent out invitations in cooperation with ACTC. The conference attracted 19 student representatives from the following institutions:

Eckerd College
Middlebury College
New York University
Rhodes College
Roger Williams University
Seton Hall University
Shimer College
Simon Fraser University
Southeastern Louisiana University
University of North Carolina at Asheville
University of Notre Dame
University of the South
We asked students to submit clean copy of their papers and have reviewed them for publication on our website. Below, you will find links to a selection of the submitted papers. We hope that you will see the varied and intense commitment to core texts and liberal arts reading that are demonstrated in these papers. I can only testify that the quality of the discussions, chaired by the able Saint Mary's students, was equally superb.

Scott Lee
Executive Director
ACTC Liberal Arts Institute

Selected Papers:

Association for Core Texts and Courses & The ACTC Liberal Arts Institute at
Saint Mary's College of California:

1928 Saint Mary's Road, Moraga, CA 94556
Ph: 925 631 8597

ACTC Temple University Office:
1114 W. Berks Street 214 Anderson Hall Intellectual Heritage Program Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122-6090